3 ideas to increase your presence with your target clients.

3 ideas to increase your presence with your target clients.

If you're struggling to engage your desired clientele, taking a fresh approach for your marketing may help increase your exposure.

As practitioners, it's helpful to increase your presence within your community. Remember, your patients aren't necessarily going to need you all the time.

For some, they may contact you when their prescription runs out or their 18 months later condition flares up. Maybe they will book another appointment when they're falling off track and need your expertise and accountability.

So how do you stay front of mind?

One start is shifting the focus on creating more and more content to being frequent and recent.

Here are 3 ideas to increase your presence with your target clients online.

3 ideas to increase your presence

#1 Launch a Podcast

No, it's not too late to jump on the podcast train. Podcasts are a low cost and efficient way to increase your presence amongst your targeted clients, showcase your knowledge within your niche and build trust.

A vibrant and engaging podcast can be helpful in standing out amongst the crowd of practitioners. And if you’re feeling shy, grab a friend and work on a podcast together.

They also suit our modern-day habits regardless of who your ideal client is. That high-performing professional is likely to listen to a podcast on their commute. A mum could tune in while she's cooking dinner, putting on a load of washing and doing the housework.

Most of us are listening to something all the time. We also don't necessarily have time to read a blog or e-book (yes, I know I'm contradicting myself here but still!).

#2 Facebook Lives into Local Groups

You might be familiar with posting a FB live on your own page or group, but have you ventured out into local community groups.

Community pages, neighbourhood groups, business hubs and demographic focused groups are thriving spaces for interaction. Most offer a day a week or month to contribute something to the group that markets yourself or your services.

By doing a FB live in these groups you're speaking to a specific, relevant audience to your clinical practice. Over time, you become a valuable resource to your local community. You also build brand awareness so when someone asks for a naturopath recommendation or searches in the group for local nutritionists, you'll pop up.

#3 Run Webinars

I know, so 2020 right? But webinars are another cost-effective way to increase your presence within your focus group. They put a face to the name (even if it's a very small video of you in the corner) and highlight your knowledge and passion in a particular area.

One of the main benefits webinars have over social posts or FB advertising is that you're tapping into your warm leads. These are people who already know you or they've already signed up to listen to you. They've taken the first step and are partly engaged. Now you just need to convert them into a client with your amazing presence and clinical insights.

sarah appleford

Sarah Appleford is a registered nutritionist with a Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition & Dietetic Medicine) from Endeavour College of Natural Health.

Sarah offers nutrition consultations and online education through Sarah Appleford Nutrition and Nutrition For Kids.

As the founder of Natural Health Resources and a copywriter of 8 years, Sarah has a passion for supporting emerging and established health practitioners in educating their clients and growing their practice.


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