Online business tools I couldn't live without

If you're running a small business (or two), chances are you're wearing many hats - practitioner, marketer, office manager, receptionist, bookkeeper....the list goes on.

Thankfully, there are online business tools that help you juggle the tasks and streamline your processes so you can shine at doing what you love.

I've worked for myself for nearly 10 years (gosh that makes me feel old!) and have used many systems and online tools. Currently, these are my favourite online business tools I simply couldn't live without.

Google Documents and Sheets

For a free tool, Google Docs and Sheets have to be a standout for me. Whether I'm creating documents for internal use or sharing with others, this has become my go-to that I use every day.

If you've received copy from me as part of my copywriting service, you've no doubt been given a link to your file with your content inside. As a live document, edits can be made without having to resave files over and over and you don't have to worry about whether your reader is using the same software.

Grammarly Editor

I'm a copywriter. I love words. I also love being grammatically correct! Grammarly also helps to ensure your writing is clear and engaging with a tone of voice that's right for your audience.

Grammarly can also be used in different places other than the desktop app. For example, Grammarly will help correct my writing in WordPress, Squarespace or Facebook. And I can log in and access the documents on any computer, anywhere.


Working remotely for many is now the norm. There has also been a rise in the number of practitioners hiring VAs to assist them with their business. If you have a team whether in-house or spread across the world, a good communication system is a must!

Slack is by far my favourite communication system that I use with several clients. It allows you to instantly message your clients, staff or colleagues. You can share documents, links or images. You can sort conversations into categories and set automatic reminders.

Want to know the best part? The free plan will tick many of your boxes so it will not only help you increase your business's efficiency, but Slack can also help. you stay on budget.


Trello is a project management tool that is a crowd favourite. I love it because its a visual way of managing projects and tasks all in one place. It's also very easy to adapt the format of the board to suit your project or working style.

If you're working with others, you can invite team members. And if you have several projects or businesses on the go, you can create multiple boards that you can easily switch between.


It's kind of obvious that I'm one of the 60 million Canva fans. Canva not only enables me to create visually pleasing handouts for you but like many, I use it for social media artwork, newsletter images, marketing materials and a whole lot more.

My tip is to unleash all of Canva's awesomeness by upgrading to a Pro account. You won't regret it.

Apple iCloud+

Apple iCloud+ has been a savour for me as I am a self-confessed digital hoarder. My habit has got me in trouble self times with my computer s**tting itself due to the lack of storage.

Apple came to the rescue. Yes, I don't mess around with the standard 5GB that's free. An upgrade for additional space and privacy features is a must.


My use of Evernote increased greatly when I started studying at Endeavour. It was where I compiled all my notes about conditions, symptoms, nutrients, testing etc. I relied on it greatly in the student clinic and continued to in my professional practice.

PC users, you might find OneNote just as valuable.


If you have a business, communicating with your clients/customers is key to success. Mailerlite has become my favourite online tool to build and connect with my audiences.

As a reader, chances are you've subscribed to my newsletter which is made using Mailerlite. Why do I think this is a great marketing software? Three key reasons made me switch from another email marketing tool:

1. It allows you to create multiple audience lists even on the free plan.

2. The automation flow option is simple to use and very effective.

3. It is easy to make look great and on point with your brand aesthetic.


Do you want to send large files? WeTransfer is a free platform that allows you to drag and drop your large files before sending them off. All you need is an email address and away you go.

Answer the public

Find yourself stuck for ideas for your marketing? Answer The Public is a handy tool to find topics for blog articles, social media posts and newsletters.

My tip is to use this site to create batched content that will help build your authority and increase your reach as well as provide valuable information to your readers.

sarah appleford

Sarah Appleford is a registered nutritionist with a Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition & Dietetic Medicine) from Endeavour College of Natural Health.

Sarah offers nutrition consultations and online education through Sarah Appleford Nutrition and Nutrition For Kids.

As the founder of Natural Health Resources and a copywriter of 8 years, Sarah has a passion for supporting emerging and established health practitioners in educating their clients and growing their practice.


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