Tips to find the right keywords for SEO

Trying to find the right keywords for your website or blog? Here are the top things to consider when looking for keywords for SEO and to boost your site's visibility.

Grab a pen and paper and start brainstorming.

find the right keywords for SEO

Why are keywords important for SEO?

Keywords are important for search engine optimisation (SEO) because they are the connection between your business and what your ideal client is searching for.

The keywords you use will determine how you will rank on search engines like Google. They will also determine how much traffic you receive to your website.

You’ll find a variety of keywords for your business and website. Some will be very specific and some will be much broader terms. Each plays an important role in SEO.

One thing to remember, it’s not just about throwing a whole lot of keywords on your website copy or into your articles. Keywords should be placed in specific areas of your website and they should not negatively affect the readability of your content. After all, a keyword might help your ideal audience find you but they won’t convert them into a paying client.

Tips to find the right keywords for SEO

Ready to find the right keywords for your website? Here we list our top tips to find relevant keywords for SEO and your business.

Your Target Audience

Who is your ideal client or customer? What problems do they have? Why might they need your services or products?

Step inside the mind of your target client. What would they put into a search engine, like Google, to find your services, product or content?

Your Brand & Qualifications

Brainstorm a list that describes your website and your brand. Consider words that describe your practice or business.

How can you describe your qualifications? Do you specialise in particular areas or focus on certain population groups?

What are words or terms that describe the natural health or holistic medicine industry? You can expand on these terms using a synonyms tool.

Your Services

Write a list of your services and then list the different words or terms that may describe them.

For example, if you're a nutritionist, you might list:

Nutrition Consultations - blood testing, diet analysis, meal planning etc.

Your Products

Write a list of your products and then list the different words or terms that may describe them.

Don't sell a physical or digital product? Remember, your product includes the information your ideal audience receives when they visit your site. For example, in addition to the digital patient handouts we sell, our products include the free downloads you can find here.

Your Competitors

Get to know your competitors. Who are they? What words do they repeat throughout their website or articles? And just as importantly, what words don't they use?

When you search for competitors, what words do you plug into Google? What words do you use on their website to find the information, services or products you are interested in?

Related Words

Now that you've brainstormed a whole lot of keywords specific to your business and offering, start to come up with related words.

An easy way to do this is to type the terms you've listed into Google and see what suggestions they give. Add these to your list if they relate to your business, service or products.

Next, you'll want to refine your keyword list so that the words you're using are relevant and broad enough that other people are putting them into their search engines.

We'll discuss this in more detail in an upcoming blog.

Don't know all the information? Start utilising your current or past client base - email a survey asking a few questions. Put some polls up on Instagram or question stickers to gather info. 

Need help with your website copy? Take a look at our Copywriting services and packages to enhance your visibility on the world wide web!

sarah appleford

Sarah Appleford is a registered nutritionist with a Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition & Dietetic Medicine) from Endeavour College of Natural Health.

Sarah offers nutrition consultations and online education through Sarah Appleford Nutrition and Nutrition For Kids.

As the founder of Natural Health Resources and a copywriter of 8 years, Sarah has a passion for supporting emerging and established health practitioners in educating their clients and growing their practice.


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